Be Thankful
May 22, 2019
Keep Moving Forward
June 11, 2019Arise [from the depression and prostration in which circumstances have kept you – rise to a new life]! Shine (be radiant with the glory of the Lord), for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you! For behold, darkness shall cover the earth, and dense darkness [all] peoples, but the Lord shall arise upon you….and His glory shall be seen on you. And nations shall come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your rising
Isaiah 60:1-3 Amplified Bible
Thank God you’re still standing! Through all the challenges and victories, the highs and lows, you’re still standing! Now you stand at the dawn of something so great, so magnificent, that once you walk into it you will be like those who dream (Psalm 126:1)! Consequently, it’s time to obey the command of the Lord which He spoke through the prophet Isaiah, ARISE!
You may be thinking I hear you talking preacher but why should I even bother? It seems as if things just keep getting progressively worse. It seems as if the heavens are brass when I pray! It seems as if the wicked continue to prosper, and since I’ve been trying to live right, it seems as if all hell has literally been assigned to me and me alone! You may even be thinking, preacher; the darkness is just too much.
Well I’m here to tell you that this is right where God wants you. God says get up from there, shake yourself, dust yourself off, get from under the circumstances and get on top of them, and rise to a new life in Him! He’s not saying be born again, again, but allow His life that is in you to be released in a higher manner and to a greater degree than you have ever thought possible. He goes on to say don’t just get up but you need to shine.
The Scripture passage says, “be radiant with the glory of the Lord!” It’s time to realize that you are God’s answer for the darkness that seems to be prevalent in the earth today. His glory is risen upon you. The glory of His love, the glory of His salvation, the glory of His presence, the glory of His healing, the glory of His provision, the glory of His strength, the glory of His deliverance, and the glory of His signs and wonders have been released in and upon you to overcome the darkness.
I believe that right now, as you read these words, new life from the presence of God is being released in your spirit. Receive it by faith! Accept it by faith! Obey it by faith! The result will be that nations (people from all ethnicities) will come to your light and kings (those in power and authority) will come to you in order to get to God, all because of the glory of God upon you.
Press in! Press on! Lay hold of this promise by faith! Don’t settle for less than the manifestation of God’s glory in you, on you, and through you. Remember, Jesus declared that you are the light of the world, therefore let you light (His glory) so shine that men (all humanity) will see your good works and glorify the Father in heaven. Beloved, IT’S TIME TO SHINE!
Father, we are amazed and even overwhelmed with the reality that You have crowned us with glory and honor. The truth that Christ is in us enables us to confidently expect the manifestation of Your glory in us and through us. Help us to yield to the Holy Spirit as He prepares us to be instruments of Your glory. As You have declared in Your word, cause the whole earth to be filled with Your glory, and to the measure You deem appropriate, do it in and through me. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
May the Lord bless you and cause His face to shine upon you…Until next time, Peace.
McClinton E. Porter