Keep Moving Forward
June 11, 2019
Have You Learned How to Talk?
July 25, 2019The thief comes only in order to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they might have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance (to the full, till it overflows).
John 10:10 Amplified Bible
When we talk about maximizing anything we refer to getting the absolute highest gain or benefit that can possibly be achieved. If we are to maximize something, we must have clear insight into what constitutes the thing we are attempting to maximize. Jesus was on a mission, He came for a specific purpose, to give life. In the English language the word life is all-encompassing in its scope of meaning. Contrariwise, the Greek language in which the New Testament was originally written is a very specific language; it has three different words for life so there can be no mistaking what is being referred to. The Greek words for life are bios (pronounced bee-os) which refers to natural, physical, biological life; psuche (pronounced soo-kay) which refers to the soul life, psychological life, the mind, will, and emotions; and zoe (pronounced dzo-ay) which is life in the absolute sense; life as God has it; that which the Father has in Himself, and gave to the Incarnate Son to have in Himself, and which the Son manifested in the world. Zoe expresses all of the highest and the best which those who receive Jesus possess in God.
It is the zoe life that Jesus came to give us in abundance in order that we possess and experience it to the full, till it overflows. It is the zoe life that ultimately sustains and makes bios and psuche life possible. Oh, the wisdom and graciousness of God, that He would elevate mankind to such a high estate! Beloved, if you have received Jesus you have received and possess life on the highest possible plane; you have life as God has it! I know the thought of this is mind-boggling, but it is clearly what the Scripture says. Beloved, don’t try to explain it away, but acknowledge it by faith and allow the Holy Spirit of the living God to cause this life, His life, to be manifest in you and through you, so that you can impact your world with the life and love of God and experience heaven on earth while you are doing it. Now that we have insight into the life that Jesus has bestowed upon and endowed us with, I encourage you, beloved, to Maximize this Life!
Dear Heavenly Father, how gracious and merciful you are to grant unto us the privilege of being one with You, of sharing in Your very life. The very thought of this overwhelms the mind but certainly causes our spirit, the inner man, the hidden man of the heart, to long to experience Your life in ever-increasing measure. Our prayer to You Father is that by Your Holy Spirit You will help us yield to what You desire to do in our lives, help us acknowledge continually that You have set us apart for Yourself, and help us walk in the abundant life that Jesus has made available to us. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
May the Lord bless you and keep you. Until next time…Peace.
McClinton E. Porter